January 2005


To the Citizens of the County Of Santa Cruz:


This report replaces the Grand Jury’s Final Report issued in June 2004. It includes the individual entities’ responses to the findings and the recommendations presented in June 2004 publication. We hope that integrating the responses with the initial report makes the information contained more usable.


The Grand Jury of the County of Santa Cruz takes very seriously its charge to investigate the operations of local government.  We are also pleased to find that the local government entities took their duty to respond to the items in this report very seriously. We hope that you find this report thought provoking and well researched. 


We would like to thank all of those who helped us in gathering this information. We would also like to thank our fellow citizens for giving us the opportunity to be of service. We know that the true power of the Grand Jury lies in our ability to uncover truth and bring issues of importance to the attention of the appropriate officials and to the public.


We ask that you read this report with an open mind and commit yourselves to change those things within your power. Our ultimate objective is effective and efficient government. We need your help!




Earl Kieser, Foreperson

2004/2005 Grand Jury of Santa Cruz County